RCPE listed electrical contractorThe Registered Competent Person Electrical (RCPE) website is a definitive search facility for any householder looking for a registered domestic electrician in England and Wales.

DCLG authorised electricians

Only electricians with a DCLG authorised electrical competent person scheme are eligible to be palced on the website and able to display the RCPE mark.

William Eaton, managing director at Eaton Electrical said “The benefits of using an installer listed on this register include having valid insurance policies in place should anything go wrong, access to a robust complaints procedure and confidence that the correct certification will be supplied.”

“Most importantly, you can be sure that the electrical work carried out in your home is compliant with BS 7671, the British Standard for electrical safety – keeping you safe.”

Government approved electrical competent person scheme operators created the Registered Competent Person Electrical to make finding a registered electrician a simple and easy process.

To find out more about how your business could become more energy efficient, call Eaton Electrical today on 01509 414 222.